Universe Dzi


The Dzi Universe, commonly known as the Dzi Sun and Moon bead, empowers its possessor to enhance their universal life force. The sun, moon, and star motifs depicted on this Dzi bead symbolize the infusion of universal life energy.

The Dzi Universe bead seamlessly combines the masculine energy of the Yang from the Sun, the feminine energy of the Yin from the Moon, and the neutral cosmic energy of the Star. The amalgamation of these symbols generates universal life energy, offering assistance in various life situations and harmonizing the overall flow of life.

The Dzi Sun and Moon bead endow its owner with a more potent stream of universal energy. Additionally, the Dzi Universe facilitates the acquisition of knowledge on how to utilize and apply this energy in life. As the possessor of this bead learns to master the commanding flow of universal energy, they can fill themselves with vital energy, harmonize their life, and extend assistance to others.

This energy remains neutral and impartial, benefiting individuals, especially those with open hearts, in living the most harmonious life in alignment with the laws of nature and the purpose for which they came to Earth. Its gentle and imperceptible action corrects disruptive flows and swirls of negative energies, harmonizing the life stream to lead individuals toward their true life goals.

This energy acts gently and almost imperceptibly. It doesn’t destroy anything but corrects and aligns harmful flows and swirls of negative energies, harmonizing the life stream so that everything that happens in life leads to harmony between individuals and the world.

The Dzi Universe aids its owner in harmonizing life across all facets and contributes to the realization of their vital destiny. It helps in learning to control the flows of universal energy, making it particularly beneficial for those practicing Reiki, working with universal energies, and aiding others.

Individuals wearing the Dzi Sun, Moon, and Star become more energetic and successful. Life improves, and goals become more attainable. Embrace the Dzi Universe and let it illuminate, enrich, and bring happiness to your life!
