Turtle Back Dzi


The Dzi known as the tortoise shell of longevity symbolizes one of the four celestial animals in Feng Shui—the turtle. The Turtle Dzi extends the life of its owner, promotes health, and aids in a quicker recovery from illnesses. Moreover, this Dzi imparts stability, resilience, brings good luck, and functions as a support and protective talisman.

Turtles are renowned for their longevity and robust health, attributes reflected in the unique pattern on their carapace, mirrored in the Turtle Dzi. Wearing such a piece gradually bestows optimal health upon the individual. Additionally, this Dzi enhances the determination of its owner in various endeavors and fosters perseverance in tackling tasks.

The Turtle Dzi plays a crucial role in shielding individuals from diseases caused by energy exposure, such as damage, the evil eye, and curses. It also provides protection against ailments induced by energy beings and spiritual entities. If there is a suspicion of such influences or if they are ongoing, wearing this Dzi is recommended.

For those seeking a stronger and healthier body, the Turtle Dzi proves beneficial. It channels healing energy to the body, particularly helpful for those with poor health, frequent illnesses, or long-term chronic conditions. It aids in faster recovery and subsequently maintains a healthy body, offering protection against other diseases and ailments.

When faced with important and prolonged tasks, the Dzi Turtle lends support in their fulfillment. It provides the necessary vitality and sustenance for sustained concentration on the goal, fortifying the resolve and determination required for successful implementation. The use of Dzi Turtles enhances intention and perseverance in undertaking such tasks.

Occasionally, pieces with a pattern resembling a tortoise shell and “eyes” may be encountered. Such items combine the primary qualities of “big-eyed” pieces with the added durability and stability imparted by the tortoise pattern.
