Star Dzi


The Star Dzi serves as a symbol of the natural universal law, embodying the accumulation of virtues and merits. This unique bead may feature a depiction of a five-pointed star or a central point with emanating rays. It stands out as a relatively rare bead, often appearing in conjunction with the Sun and Moon on a Dzi bead, forming what is known as the “Sun, Moon & Star” bead. This combination imbues the bead with the qualities of universal energy, creating a powerful talisman.

The Star Dzi plays a pivotal role in facilitating the manifestation of virtues and propelling its owner forward on the journey of spiritual perfection. Beyond its influence on spiritual development, this Dzi also impacts the material wealth of its possessor. It functions akin to a magnet, drawing financial resources towards its owner. Consequently, the Star Dzi can be harnessed to aid in the accumulation of funds.

For those seeking to achieve material well-being, the Star Dzi can serve as a valuable ally in this pursuit. Its magnetic effect on wealth becomes more potent when combined with other Tibetan talismans specifically aligned with the goal of financial abundance. Using the Star Dzi in conjunction with complementary talismans enhances its effectiveness, creating a harmonious synergy to support the accumulation of resources.
