Mortar & Pestle Dzi


Known as the Dzi diamond and pestle in the western tradition, the Mortar & Pestle Dzi is a unique and rare healing symbol crafted for those dedicated to the art of healing and treating others.

The Mortar & Pestle Dzi features an intricate design with the image of a mortar and pestle encased within diamonds. This symbolic representation embodies the wisdom of healers engaged in the creation of medicinal remedies for the unwell. It serves as a catalyst for the healer’s heightened understanding of the patient’s condition, facilitating the discovery of precisely tailored treatment solutions.

Throughout history, medicinal concoctions were crafted by grinding herbs into powder using a Mortar and Pestle. This iconic symbol encapsulates the healer’s expertise, with the diamonds positioned between the pestles signifying the intellect and knowledge applied to finding optimal solutions for patient care.

The Mortar and Pestle Dzi enhances the mental faculties of the healer, providing clarity of mind for both diagnosis and treatment. Emphasizing a holistic approach, it encourages attention not only to the physical body but also to the patient’s spirit.

The Pestle symbol on this Dzi aids in identifying the most suitable medicine for the body, while the glittering diamonds represent a remedy that purifies the mind of ailments, leaving it clear and radiant. Consequently, the diamond and pestle Dzi contributes to the healing of the body, mind, and soul.

Beyond its healing attributes, the Pestle and Mortar Dzi possess magical properties effective in warding off malevolent spirits. For individuals grappling with restless souls or residing in close proximity to cemeteries, this Dzi provides a sense of security, ensuring peaceful sleep at night.

The Mortar and Pestle Dzi stands as a premier Tibetan talisman for practitioners in the healing arts, fostering wisdom and refining diagnostic and prescriptive capabilities. This sacred symbol transcends physical healing, addressing psychological wounds and psychosomatic ailments. Whether seeking protection from ghosts or aspiring to enhance overall well-being, the Mortar and Pestle Dzi proves invaluable, imparting wisdom and improving one’s health.
