Heaven & Earth Dzi


The Heaven & Earth Dzi balances and harmonizes the opposing forces of Yin and Yang, symbolized by earth and sky within the bead. Representing the feminine (Yin) and masculine (Yang), this Dzi strives to rectify the dominance of one force over the other, fostering a more balanced and fulfilling life for its owner.

Often, individuals find themselves leaning toward one extreme—excessively active or overly passive, either quick-tempered or constantly subject to circumstances. The Heaven & Earth Dzi intervenes to reconcile these opposing forces, enhancing the owner’s ability to lead a more harmonious life. Achieving balance, exhibiting more adequate behavior, and attaining goals become more accessible with the influence of this bead.

A square and a circle, representing earth and sky, respectively, are featured on the Dzi bead. This design signifies the combination of heaven and earth forces, creating a unified and harmonious flow of energy for the wearer. The harmonization of these opposing energies purifies and balances the individual’s energy flow, fostering equilibrium and harmony across all aspects of life.

The Heaven & Earth Dzi proves particularly beneficial for businessmen, streamlining business processes and easing the implementation of plans and tasks. Entrepreneurs can experience increased wealth and prosperity as they align with the harmonizing energies of this Dzi. By allowing these energies to flow freely, obstacles are removed, and dreams have a greater chance of realization.

Moreover, this Dzi assists in harmonizing the body’s vital energy flows, removing blocks and promoting overall healing. For those facing health challenges, the Heaven & Earth Dzi becomes a supportive companion on the journey to well-being. Wear this Dzi bead to invite good health and to embrace the harmonizing energies that facilitate a balanced and prosperous life.
