Dzi 7 Eyes


Symbolism and Healing Properties

The Dzi 7 Eyes is a powerful talisman that promotes seven key aspirations in life: career growth, wealth, prosperity, longevity, improved relationships, recognition, and self-improvement. This Dzi not only aids in achieving success at work and in personal life but also strengthens health and harmonizes one’s overall condition.

The Dzi 7 Eyes symbolizes the constellation Ursa Major, representing the seven stars of this constellation. In Tibetan belief, the Big Dipper is seen as the manifestation of the seven Medicine Buddhas. These Buddhas are tasked with freeing all living beings from both external and internal diseases. The main Medicine Buddha, often depicted with a blue body symbolizing wisdom, holds a bowl filled with healing nectar in his left hand and a medicinal plant in his right.

These Buddhas, especially the Medicine Buddha, help individuals awaken their bodily and psychic powers. This awakening allows for self-healing and the ability to help others. The healing power comes from within, through one’s consciousness, and can be accessed via meditation, mindfulness, visualization, and other spiritual practices. The 7 Eyes Tibetan Dzi aids in unlocking this inner potential, tapping into the reserves of the human body and mind.

Practical Advantages

The 7-eyed Dzi is highly valued for its exceptional qualities and benefits:

  1. Career Growth: It supports career advancement, making achievements more attainable.
  2. Wealth and Prosperity: Wearing this Dzi attracts abundance and good luck in business, making it ideal for those starting new ventures. It helps increase income and fulfill the owner’s needs more completely.
  3. Longevity and Health: The Dzi enhances health and longevity by unlocking the body’s internal reserves and healing powers.
  4. Improved Relationships: It fosters better relationships within the family, workplace, and social circles, promoting harmony and cooperation.
  5. Recognition and Notoriety: The Dzi aids in gaining recognition and standing out in society.
  6. Self-Improvement: It supports personal growth by helping the wearer reveal their true potential.
  7. Calm and Smooth Path to Goals: It ensures that the journey towards achieving goals is smoother and more peaceful.


Dzi 7 Eyes is a versatile and powerful tool for anyone seeking self-improvement and success in various aspects of life. While it does not replace the need for personal effort, it significantly enhances the process, making achievements easier and more fulfilling. By integrating the Dzi into daily life, one can experience improved health, increased prosperity, better relationships, and overall harmony. This makes the 7 Eyes Tibetan Dzi an essential item for anyone dedicated to their personal and professional growth.
