Dzi 20 Eyes


Spiritual Purification and Enlightenment

The Dzi 20 Eyes is a rare and highly valued Tibetan talisman that focuses on spiritual purification and the path to enlightenment. Here’s how this talisman can support individuals on their spiritual journey:

Spiritual Purification and Karma Clearance

  1. Achieving Enlightenment: The primary function of the Dzi 20 Eyes is to aid in spiritual purification, ultimately leading to enlightenment and liberation from the cycle of rebirth. It helps its wearer achieve a state of inner balance and tranquility necessary for spiritual growth.
  2. Clearing Karmic Debts: This talisman is instrumental in clearing karmic debts and transgressions accumulated across lifetimes. It facilitates the repayment of karmic obligations, paving the way for liberation from the cycle of samsara and the attainment of nirvana.

Enhancing Mind-Body-Spirit Interaction

  1. Integration of Being: The Dzi 20 Eyes enhances the harmony and interaction between body, mind, and spirit. This integration supports the wearer in progressing through the final stages of enlightenment, fostering a deepened spiritual connection and understanding.
  2. Non-Attachment to Materialism: For individuals striving for spiritual growth while navigating the material world, the Dzi 20 Eyes helps cultivate non-attachment to worldly goods and desires. It protects against ego-driven pursuits and anchors that hinder spiritual progress.

Protection and Guidance

  1. Protection from Temptations: This talisman acts as a shield against external temptations and adversities that may divert one from their spiritual path. It helps maintain purity of intention and innocence, safeguarding the wearer from influences that could obstruct spiritual development.


The Dzi 20 Eyes is a powerful tool for spiritual cultivation, offering protection, guidance, and purification to those dedicated to spiritual growth. By embracing the transformative energy of the Dzi 20 Eyes, individuals can accelerate their journey towards enlightenment, cleanse their karma, and achieve ultimate spiritual liberation. Deepen your spiritual practice and move closer to your spiritual goals with clarity and steadfastness through the wisdom and support of the Dzi 20 Eyes talisman.
