Dzi 13 Eyes


Spiritual Transformation and Healing

The Dzi 13 Eyes is a profound talisman renowned for enhancing communication in all its forms, dispelling fear of public speaking, and fostering confidence in conversations and debates. Additionally, it facilitates spiritual communication with entities from various dimensions and realities.

Mystical Properties and Spiritual Communication

The 13-eyed Dzi bead serves as a conduit for communicating with ancestors, souls of the deceased, and beings from different realms. It aids in establishing dialogue with extraterrestrial creatures and enhances communication during out-of-body experiences and thanatotherapy, facilitating understanding and interaction with encountered entities.

Infused with the blessings of the 5 Dhyani Buddhas, represented by circles on one side of the bead, and the 8 precious symbols of Tibet on the other, the 13 Eyes Dzi facilitates spiritual transformation and soul healing. These Buddhas assist in transcending karmic challenges and achieving spiritual enlightenment, aligning the body and mind in a balanced and harmonious state.

Symbolism and Protective Qualities

The 13 Eyes Dzi bead’s 13 circles symbolize its protective and transformative powers, enhancing communication abilities and spiritual insights. It protects its wearer from misfortunes and revitalizes the body, fostering mental calmness and a sense of completeness.

Ideal for Spiritual and Everyday Life

Suitable for both spiritual practitioners and individuals seeking improved communication and understanding in everyday life, the 13 Eyes Dzi expands awareness and supports spiritual liberation. It harmonizes inner conflicts, resolves mundane challenges, and nurtures personal growth towards achieving spiritual goals and dreams.


The Dzi 13 Eyes is a versatile talisman revered for its ability to facilitate communication across physical and spiritual realms, enhance spiritual growth, and protect against adversity. Whether navigating ordinary interactions or delving into spiritual pursuits, this bead serves as a powerful ally in achieving enlightenment and spiritual freedom.
