Dragon Eye Dzi


The Dragon Eye Dzi bead harnesses the potency of the Buddhist six-syllable mantra “Om Mani Padme Hum,” with each eye embodying one of its sacred syllables. This Dzi bead also draws upon the mythical strength of the dragon, making it a formidable talisman that aids in overcoming negative forces, navigating challenges posed by enemies and competitors, fostering learning, preserving well-being, and facilitating the accumulation of material wealth and spiritual achievements.

—–The Meaning of the Mantra Om Mani Padme Hum—–

The Dragon Eye Dzi symbolizes the resonant sound of the profound mantra “Om Mani Padme Hum.” This mantra, when recited or visualized, invokes the compassionate blessings of the Buddha of compassion, known as Chenrezing in Tibet, Avalokiteshvara in Sanskrit, and Kuan Yin in China. The mantra encapsulates the entirety of Buddha’s teachings, metaphorically translating to “Pearl shining in a lotus flower.”

The six syllables of the mantra represent the perfection of six paramitas:

– “Om” signifies blessings and excellence in the practice of charity.

– “Ma” promotes improvement in morality, ethics, and awareness.

– “Ni” aids in achieving perfection in the practice of tolerance.

– “Pad” assists in perfecting perseverance.

– “Me” fosters perfection in the practice of concentration and meditation.

– “Hum” leads to excellence in the practice of wisdom.

This mantra helps transform an imperfect body, speech, and mind into the pure and perfect attributes of a Buddha, paving the way for enlightenment and liberation from the cycle of births and deaths.

Each syllable of the six-syllable mantra on the Dragon Eye Dzi forms a unique pattern, representing the dragon’s eye. While it doesn’t encompass the full power of the mythical creature, the bead imparts dragon-like qualities. This Dzi enhances the ability to perceive and overcome obstacles, combats negative forces, and supports the accumulation of wealth.

The Tibetan Dragon Eye Dzi bead serves as a valuable companion for those journeying on the path toward enlightenment. It aids in overcoming hindrances, improving karma, and amassing both material and spiritual prosperity. Wearing this Dzi fosters well-being in both the tangible and spiritual realms. Embrace the Dragon Eye Dzi bead and stride confidently towards prosperity in all facets of life.
