Double Tiger Tooth


Note: The Tiger Tooth Double Layers Dzi Bead, featuring unique multi-band designs with two layers of tiger’s tooth inscriptions, magnifies the intensity of the Tiger Tooth Dzi bead. This variant is sought after for its spiritual properties, believed to possess six times the spiritual strength of the normal Tiger’s Tooth due to its multi-band designs. It promotes spiritual strength, cleanses evil and obstacles, and attracts auspicious signs for the owner.

The Dzi Tiger Tooth instills its owner with willpower and tenacity, facilitating focus and the realization of personal aspirations. This powerful talisman aids in overcoming fears, fostering confidence and strength to navigate life’s challenges boldly.

Moreover, the Tiger Dzi serves as a reliable protector, deflecting and dispelling negative energies directed towards its owner. This safeguarding quality shields individuals from malevolent influences and black magic.

Symbolizing justice and a successful career, the Tiger Tooth Dzi enhances focus, determination, and goal achievement. Revered as a spiritual object, it provides comprehensive protection—mental, spiritual, and physical—shielding against evil entities and negative circumstances. It proves especially beneficial for individuals facing frequent obstacles, offering strength to overcome challenges.

The wavy pattern on the Tiger Tooth Dzi, reminiscent of tiger fangs, distinguishes it from other Dzi beads. Unlike the smooth pattern on the Dzi Wave, the Tiger Tooth Dzi features sharper edges resembling tiger fangs. Some variations may incorporate additional symbols, adding extra characteristics and power to the talisman. There are versions with a double row of tiger fangs, intensifying their potency.

While often confused with the Dzi Horse, the classic “Tiger Fangs” talisman serves a different purpose. The Tiger Tooth Dzi promotes intense concentration on tasks, endowing the owner with remarkable willpower and attention focus. This leads to unwavering commitment to goals and, upon achievement, a sense of true happiness and fulfillment.

The Tiger Tooth Dzi stands as a symbol of strength and wealth, ushering in a continuous stream of prosperity and good fortune. It not only provides additional energy, confidence, and determination but also shields its owner from negative forces encountered on their journey. Particularly beneficial for entrepreneurs, businessmen, and goal-oriented individuals, this Dzi contributes to goal realization and ensures protection along the way.
