Chakra Dzi


The Chakra Dzi is designed for individuals engaged in energy practices who prioritize their health. This Dzi profoundly influences our energy centers, aiding in the opening, activation, and cleansing of human chakras. Consequently, health and well-being improve, providing the strength to tackle problems and embark on new beginnings.

The Chakra Dzi has a comprehensive impact on all seven human chakras, bringing about the following changes:

  • Chakra 1

Health improves, and immunity rises. Strength and confidence in the future emerge, stabilizing financial conditions. Relations with relatives improve, family ties strengthen, and mutual understanding and closeness with parents increase. The family tree’s channel opens, allowing communication with deceased relatives throughout the family tree, seeking their guidance.

  • Chakra 2

The body undergoes recovery, increasing attractiveness for the opposite sex. Solutions to problems related to urology and gynecology are facilitated. The mood improves, bringing about cheerfulness and stabilizing psycho-emotional states. A sense of joy and earthly happiness envelops the owner’s life. Financial flow increases, energizing existing financial streams and expanding them.

  • Chakra 3

Under the influence of Dzi Chakra, an individual becomes more purposeful and directed towards achieving goals. Increased charisma makes the owner more influential in society. Willpower and purity of intention escalate, making goal attainment more efficient. Digestive system improvement accompanies this chakra’s energy activation, alleviating associated diseases and dispelling feelings of fear, loss, and loneliness. Dzi Chakra aids in overcoming bad habits and normalizes metabolic processes.

  • Chakra 4

Dzi Chakra benefits the human cardiovascular system and chest organs, helping with stress. Strengthening the heart chakra enhances resistance to negative environmental influences. This bead elevates an individual from a victim mentality and fosters acceptance and love for the world. It cultivates a positive outlook on life and develops the ability to give and receive disinterestedly.

  • Chakra 5

This Dzi heals the upper respiratory tract, thyroid gland, and vocal cords, enhancing the energy of the throat chakra. Improved communication and expressive speech result, making the owner’s words more emotionally resonant and understandable. Creative professionals, speakers, teachers, business trainers, and psychologists find this Dzi beneficial.

  • Chakra 6

Dzi Chakra aids in opening the third eye, developing intuition and foresight. It enhances brain activity, helps structure thoughts, and brings clarity of consciousness. Combining it with a Dzi of 5 bats can intensify its effects.

  • Chakra 7

Activation of the seventh chakra assists in finding one’s calling and eliminating illusory perceptions of life. It facilitates contact with higher powers and great teachers of humanity. 

Essential for personal revelation, the Chakra Dzi harmonizes all aspects of an individual’s personality, opens energy flows, and protects against negative energy. Ideal for those pursuing spiritual growth and self-improvement through practices like yoga, qigong, and tai chi. Combining it with other Dzi enhances its effectiveness, making it a powerful talisman for activating energy potential. Wear the Chakra Dzi to harmonize and elevate your spiritual journey.
